Okay, I'll say it. As much as I hate to admit it, last night's Grey's was a let down. I'm really glad Meredith didn't die, that would have been too much. And, her mom dying was not that big of a shock. I'm not a huge fan of watching dead people walk around. Was that supposed to be heaven or limbo or what? And what was with that girl bleeding all the time. I was a little freaked out by all of it. I definitely thought the funniest part was watching Christina show off all of that stuff she bought at the $1 store. I rarely identify with Christina, but $1 shopping is a major hobby of mine. You wouldn't believe what you can get for just a dollar! Anyways, Izzie was mean, Derek was so sad, maybe Addison and Mark will work out, and I always love Bailey and George.
I cried the whole time. Derrick was so sad. He is such a good actor. I am continually amazed at how connected I feel to the characters. How do they do that?
I love that picture! Where do you find this stuff??
Why was it such a let down to everyone?? I don't understand. Was it because it was a little predictable? I keep hearing that ... but what did you all expect? I'm very curious.
The only thing I didn't talk about on my blog that I will add here was that I didn't understand the bleeding girl either. That was really weird...
I agree on everything. I did love that Christina shoppeda the $ store too. This show is too good
I need a Sue-fix!
I heard on the radio today that Katerine Hagel is leaving grey's because of salary disputes. Is this just a nasty rumor?? I thought my go-to grey's expert would be sure to know! (or at least how to find out)
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